(649) 339-6275
Mon - Fri 09:00-17:00
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About Us

F Chambers is a modern law firm affiliated with Chambers in Europe, North America and the Caribbean which have a reservoir of experienced lawyers to efficiently meet our client’s demand for quality legal services.

Our mission is to become the leading law firm in the Turks and Caicos Islands, by providing quality and professional representation, advice and services to all clients both personal and corporate, domestically and internationally and to secure a just outcome in the courtroom and at the deal making table expeditiously.

Our firm is sought after for its distinguished work in the inward investment sector whether it be for property, resort development, business start up (company formation and business licensing), Development agreement negotiation with the Government, or banking (advice on or drafting of charges, and various securities). Our Attorneys are highly regarded for their expertise in Litigation (civil, commercial, criminal & family -Divorce, child matters). We also specialize in trademarks and patents, captive insurance, employment, immigration and commercial matters.

1 Response
  1. Giangiacomo BAUSONE

    Dear Sirs, I am Solicitor fo England and Wales registered at LAW SOCIETY and SRA-SOLICITORS REGULATION AUTHORITY (based in London) as well as barrister for Italy (ROME), counsel at the Supreme Court of Italy. I am very interested to know your services in law field. Thank you very much in advance. Faithfully yours. Mr Giangiacomo BAUSONE LLD
